Volenteering at Sadhana

Every year, we welcome dozens of volunteers age 19 and over from around the world to stay with us and become a member of our rich and vibrant community life. They live in a home with other volunteers and adults with developmental differences, help manage their households, assist each other in one of our many workplaces, and help care for each other’s emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.

The below is what we are looking for

Helping Mentally Challenged People

Physio and art therapy, clinical psychologists, Nursing Care, Music and Yoga therapies, Technical and Life Skills Development.

Empowerment of Rural Women

Conducting surveys & envisioning project ideas, Various Skill training for school dropouts; Skill Up gradation and new opportunities for rural Craftsmen.

Improving Living Conditions at Sadhana

Studying infra needs of Mentally challenged people, preparing improvement plan. Designing gardens, landscapes and play area. Developing kitchen garden at Sadhana