Sadhana Village

A place which our Special ones can call home

Sadhana is a Charitable Trust

Adults with special needs and long and short-term service volunteers live and work together as equals in extended family homes throughout Sadhana Village.

Major Areas Of Work

Special Friends

The organization currently has around 30 special friends at the campus in Chickhalgoe who live together with around 7 helpers and 5 volunteers. All efforts are directed towards supporting these special friends physical, mentally, psychologically and emotionally.

Women Empowerment

Due to low literacy rates in the rural areas, the women aren't well aware of their fundamental rights. The organization regularly conducts meetings and calls in experts in the field to talk and encourage these women

Rural Organic Farming

The organization is trying to create a culture of organic farming in the near by villages by encouraging and supporting the farmers that take the first step. The organization has already acquired 150 plots in the near by villages.

Glimpses of the campus

Sadhana focuses on Major problems faced by Indian Rurals like:

  • A community living environment, home based services to people with intellectual disabilities

  • Support farmers with smallholdings and improve agricultural practices

  • Provide platform to young generation to shoulder social responsibilities.

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Volenteering at Sadhana

Every year, we welcome dozens of volunteers age 19 and over from around the world to stay with us and become a member of our rich and vibrant community life. They live in a home with other volunteers and adults with developmental differences, help manage their households, assist each other in one of our many workplaces, and help care for each other’s emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.

The below is what we are looking for

Helping Mentally Challenged People

Physio and art therapy, clinical psychologists, Nursing Care, Music and Yoga therapies, Technical and Life Skills Development.

Empowerment of Rural Women

Conducting surveys & envisioning project ideas, Various Skill training for school dropouts; Skill Up gradation and new opportunities for rural Craftsmen.

Improving Living Conditions at Sadhana

Studying infra needs of Mentally challenged people, preparing improvement plan. Designing gardens, landscapes and play area. Developing kitchen garden at Sadhana

Humble Beginnings

Sadhana Village has been working since 1994 in the villages of Pune district – with communities who have been suffering from perennial vulnerabilities in terms of land holding, incomes, children`s education and employment. From the beginning of our activities we have surveyed the target villages; their income levels ,administrative straight jackets and low educational inputs.

Come Visit Us!

The best way to know if a place is suitable for your loved one or not is by visiting the place. We hope that you pay us a visit! We are looking forward in meeting you! 😊

Main Campus

Head Office